
  • Complex and high asset or high net worth divorces can involve unique issues, such as the valuation of businesses, stock options, pensions, cryptocurrency, non-fungible tokens, rare collectibles, antiques, and other types of assets.

  • Collaborative Divorce is an alternative to traditional divorce proceedings, in which Collaborative Practice Teams, which can consist of an interdisciplinary group of experts, work amicably to problem-solve and reach a resolution of all issues related to the dissolution of the marriage.

  • Judges have considerable discretion in Florida when awarding alimony. Legal counsel can help you navigate issues related to the entitlement, type, duration, and amount of alimony if you are pursuing or defending against an alimony claim connected or unconnected with a dissolution of marriage proceeding.

  • Marital assets and liabilities must be identified, valued, and distributed in accordance with Florida’s equitable distribution statute, which begins with the premise that the distribution should be equal.

  • Child support is calculated pursuant to guidelines set by the Florida Legislature. Generally, the calculation includes the parents’ net incomes, the amount of timesharing each parent exercises, and the amount paid for the children’s health insurance. Other expenses, such as the amount spent for daycare, can be addressed in the calculation and deviations can also be sought or defended against.

  • Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements can protect your financial and personal interests. If your future spouse or current spouse asks you to sign a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, you can benefit from legal counsel to review, advise, and negotiate on your behalf.

  • Legal counsel can help if you are the victim of domestic violence or have been wrongly accused of domestic violence.

  • Whether you are seeking to enforce orders regarding support or parenting issues, experienced legal counsel can help secure compliance with agreements and orders.

  • Child support is modifiable. If a change in circumstances has occurred, such as a substantial increase or decrease in a parent’s income, a child spending significantly more time with a particular parent, or the child’s special needs increasing, legal counsel can help you explore the possible modification of child support.

    Alimony may also be modifiable, assuming the language contained in the settlement agreement does not preclude modification. A substantial change in circumstances is required. Legal counsel can guide you through the factors considered and analysis engaged in by Florida courts if you are considering filing for a modification of alimony or defending against a modification of alimony.

  • When parties are not married, legal proceedings can be brought to determine the paternity of a child born of their relationship. Generally, paternity proceedings may be brought by any woman who is pregnant or has a child or any man who has reason to believe that he is the father of a child. Parental responsibility, timesharing, child support, and attorney’s fees can be addressed as part of the paternity case.

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